Palatino ision Utilities ersion 1.0 3 4 9 1 - 1 Palatino Copyright 1993 V ision s Edge, Inc. Portions copyright 1993 T aylor Made *Portions copyright 1987-1992 Quark, Inc. All Rights Reserved. License Agr eement package (the 8ogram ), and licenses its use on the terms stated below: e m a i n s with V ision s Edge, Inc.; which the Pr 0ogram is designed to operate, except that the Pr ogram may be used only on one computer at any one time; copy the Pr ogram into machine-r :eadable form for backup purposes in support of your use of the Pr ogram. (Any portion of this Pr ogram mer ,ged into or used in conjunction with another conditions of this agr eement.); other person; )>9This license terminates if you fail to comply with any pr ovision of this Agr L eement. Y ou agr g e d portions in any form. Macintosh is a r egister ed trademark of Apple Computer , Inc. Disclaimer g,Quark, Inc. makes no warranties, either expr essed or implied, r ding the enclosed comput er softwar e package, its mer chantability B, or its fitness for any particular purpose. Quark, Inc. disclaims Sall warranties including, but not limited to, the warranties of the distributors, r etailers and developers of the enclosed softwar e c t , enclosed softwar 1actually paid for the use of the enclosed softwar lar developers. ision Utilities Palatino oduction e s s e n t i r )!1ision Utilities includes a utility which helps pr 1*event imagesetter film waste by making sur e all colors )U.ocess colors except for specified exceptions. Minimum System Requir ements )"(ision Utilities is designed for QuarkXPr C ess 3.1. ision Utilities is network pr 8+otected and is fully compatible with floppy , RAM, or har d disks. o c e d u r gbasic use of the mouse, clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these ocedur es ar e new to you, please r efer to your Macintosh user s manual. Installing V ision Utilities #has been done, place the original V %ision Utilities disk in a safe place. The V ision Utilities Hierar chical Menu ision Utilities adds a hierar chical menu to the standar d QuarkXPr )N Utilities menu. Use this menu to access all of the V ision Utilities functions. 8&The Vision Utilities hierarchical menu Guide Grid Utility u c t u r select eate Grid Guides om the ision Utilities hierar chical menu. A dialog appears. ision Utilities Palatino The Create Guide Grid dialog uler lines ar e drawn in that dir ection. b u t t o n to close the dialog. f e r eplaced by the new one. )RMeate a grid of page guides which will appear on all pages of the document, cr eate the grid on the master page. Count Selected W ords Utility ision Utilities pr C,ovides an easy way to obtain an accurate wor d count on a portion of a story o count the number of wor -ds found in any range of text, select the wor ds to be counted. Next, select Count Selected W om the ision Utilities hierar chical menu. A dialog appears: 7&The Vision Utilities word count dialog The wor d count dialog r eports how many wor ds ar )l-e contained in the selected text range. Click button to close the dialog. ision Utilities Palatino Full Fit Pictur < e Utility es that the graphic box is fully filled with no white space ar ound the image. *taining aspect ratio command (executed as EncycloFont )*$-option-shift-f) because the standar d command scales the longest side of the pictur 6?e to fit the box, rather than the shortest. The full fit pictur e function is particu $larly useful when working with a lar @ ge backgr 4ound graphic which must exactly fit a certain space. o full fit a pictur AQe to its graphic box, select the graphic box while the content tool is selected. Then pr option-shift-g or choose Full Fit Pictur om the ision Utilities hierar chical menu. The pictur &e is scaled so that it fills the entir e graphic box. Sort Paragraphs Utility d e r be selected. hierar chical menu. The XT YAension places all of the selected paragraphs into alphabetical or -which is placed in documents by some other XT 5%ensions, may also slow the sorting pr ocess. hsort. Quick sorting alphabetizes the paragraphs but overwrites local text formatting with the text style S o r t h i e r a r c h i cal menu. boxes or hidden text. Quick T ext Utility 'selected text is copied into a newly cr K?eated text box. The new text box trims to accommodate the text. ision Utilities Palatino ocess Colors Utility 8waste which occurs when colors which should be set as pr ocess colors ar e not and vice versa. 'o cut down on film waste due to this pr oblem, the pr h+ocess colors utility automatically sets all QuarkXPr ess as long as the pr Gocess colors utility is activated. The change is made when the document e f e r )& i s i o n Utilities hierar chical menu. A dialog appears. b The Process Color Options dialog name pr efix which appears befor e colors which ar to be set to Pr ocess Separation On (that means 0Any color whose name begins with a designated pr efix is set to Pr ocess Separation Of f, while all other colors ar e set to Pr ocess Separation On. The pr efixes ar e not case sensitive. The Pr ocess Color Options also pr %ovides a convenient way to set the pr ocess scr een angles for every output. T o change the scr Feen angles of cyan, magenta, yellow or black, enter a new value in the a p p r S e p a r a t i o n s QuarkXPr "ess Print dialog, the halftone scr een angle is always 45 C a u t i o n : )! c h e c k the color settings. ision Utilities 2HE13 6=*D& 2HE13 6=*D& temp.0001 Julie RobertsC Vision s Edge, Inc.: QuarkXPress """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff Palatino EncycloFont """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff rPREC ~PRVS &clut